Authentication API Rate Limit

To help ensure system reliability, we are implementing new authentication API rate limits. The authentication API is used to retrieve an authentication token that can then be used to call other endpoints as needed. The token that is returned by this call is valid for 4 hours and can be used repeatedly during that period. Efficient integrations with OpenClinica should reuse a token while it is valid rather than request a new token for each subsequent call.

Effective 04-March-2024, calls to the authentication API cannot be made more than 2 times per minute from a single IP address. Calls in excess of this limit will fail with a 429 error code.

We recommend that any scripts utilizing the authentication API be reviewed to ensure they comply with the upcoming rate limit. Adhering to the upcoming limit will result in more efficient integrations and decrease load on OpenClinica servers. This will result in a better user experience for all users.

Note that these new limits apply only to the authentication API. Other endpoints remain unchanged.

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