Stack 14: What's New?

Data Review Tables

The new Data Review Tables feature allows Data Managers to create and configure custom tables of form data in Study Designer. Each custom table includes items from a primary form (either in a repeating event or in one or more non-repeating events) and can include items from one or more other forms in non-repeating events. After configuring a table and publishing the study, users can access the table in Study Runner. Within each table users can filter and sort any column, drill into each data point in the source form, bulk close open Queries on any items in the table, and bulk remove/restore primary forms from the study as needed.

Configure in Study Designer:

Select a Data Review Table in Study Runner:

View data and perform bulk actions in the table:

Tabular Data Import

Tabular Data Imports have been updated to track rows that were processed but did not change any data separately from rows that were imported and did change data or rows that were skipped based on the Match Criteria for the import job. Individual rows that fit this new category are reported with the message, "Imported - no data changes". The total count of these rows is reported in the summary as “Rows With No Data Changes”.

Reason for Change

The Remove Form and Restore Form pages have been updated to require a Reason for Change to complete these actions.

Performance Improvements and Bug Fixes

Performance improvements have been made throughout the system, including the following: Study Runner (general), Insight, Study Publish, Participant Matrix, Signature page, Tabular Data Import, and My Studies page. This release also contains many other bug fixes and enhancements.

See full release notes for Stack 14 here.

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